Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The Supreme Name and The Dogs of Kufr and Shirk
by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi
Allah the Exalted in Surat al-Isra’ (17.110) declares:

Say: ‘Call on Allah or call on the All-Merciful,
whichever you call upon,
the Most Beautiful Names are His.’
The dogs are barking in Malaysia.

Firstly, the Kafirun. The spokesman for the Roman Catholics in Malaysia was, as to be expected, both rather stupid and rather cunning. Let us remind this hypocrite, ignorant as he is of his own religion: the language of the Catholic Church was from its inception under the Roman Empire, Latin. The mass is still celebrated by the little ex-Nazi Pope in Rome using Latin. However under the practice of the reformers Latin is now denied to the main body of world Catholics. So they, poor creatures, have lost their sacred language. Desperate, and speechless, they have turned to us. However, the Name, the Supreme Name is not just another name or even a noun. It is the indicator of the Compassionate, the All-Merciful as revealed in His Pure Book, the Qur’an.

When France effectively ruled Lebanon after World War One, the French Jesuits took on the task of eliminating Islam and indoctrinating the ‘natives’ to Catholicism.

They instructed their missionary organisation of the Vatican to publish, nota bene, Catholic literature IN ARABIC to replace the noun ‘god’ with the Name of Allah. This was the foundation of Lebanese missionary activity in Lebanon which called many ignorant and innocent Lebanese onto a path which today has led to quotidian bloodshed. In Arabic there is a word, a noun, for god. They deliberately did not use it. The price for their hypocrisy has been high and is still being paid in civil war and duplicitous treaties that fail and fail.

The Catholics of Malaysia may call on Allah. If they have any education they will want to read His Book.
The Supreme Name does not belong to them or us. 

It remains our duty as Muslims to warn Catholic mothers on no account to send their boys to any Catholic school unless they want them to be sodomised and tortured like the Catholic children of Ireland, nor to enter the priesthood and set them on the same unnatural path.

Secondly, the Mushrikun.

Unfortunately, the Political Class are guilty of open Shirk – associating themselves with the power of Allah the Exalted. The Supreme Name does not belong to them or us. 

The current Political Class, world-wide, are disgraced and despised, having revealed themselves as the servants of the ruling financial system.

Malaysia is on the edge of a historical crisis. At present it is frozen in the rule of a Political Class that fronts a financial elite of only a few hundred.

Describing this fundamental political stasis as it appeared before Julius Caesar smashed it in the ancient Roman democracy, Prof. Christian Meier of Munich University wrote:

“As no-one was allowed to gain even a toe-hold from which he could reach a position of power and raise himself above the basic oligarchic equality, almost all stirrings of individuality, imagination and independence, almost all attempts to react to novel situations by novel means, were viewed with suspicion and distrust; mediocrity, rigidity and narrowness were at a premium.”

This perfectly describes the condition of Malaysia under its small group of over-rich oligarchs. Under their selfish family enclosures only the obligatory ‘philanthropic’ projects are allowed to hide from the masses the retained billions.

The Political Class to assure the stasis of the oligarchs are obliged to launch non-menacing issues to permit the illusion of dialogue and critique. The Catholic use of the Name is simply a pre-electoral controversy to recapture the Muslims’ vote.

There are only two possible roads Malaysians can take.

One. Continue in the illusion that the oligarchic rulers and their puppet parliament can go on indefinitely.
This, unfortunately for the masses, will force Malaysia, a minor player, into the at-present unstoppable working-out of usury world capitalism. This will inevitably result in the smashing of the Malaysian-born oligarchs and their position of power and the political Constitution which covered for them. The wealth and oligarchic power will restructure under the emerging Chinese hegemony. That is, as a Chinese colony. 

Two. The emergence of Dr. Meier’s ‘novel situation by novel means’ – in other words a new Nomos, a new evaluation of values. This lies embedded in Malaysia’s great Islamic intellectual tradition. Initiated by Dr. Mahathir Muhammad and in historical discourse with Hajj ‘Umar Vadillo – they recognised that the usury system was based on that fundamental increase in an exchange coupled with the elimination of value-based instruments of exchange and its replacement with abstract numbers currency. This was the core of the crisis.
True to the great Maliki-Shafi’ite tradition of Malaysia, the State of Kelantan, its Islamic Party and Hajj ‘Umar Vadillo’s powerful programming will bring the return of the gold Islamic Dinar and Silver Dirham, and it may, in harmony with parallel activity in Indonesia, open a new age for Islam and mankind.

REF: http://www.shaykhabdalqadir.com

Monday, 1 February 2010

Imam Abu Hasan Asyaari bermimpikan Rasulullah saw.

Allah berfirman: “Barangsiapa buta di dunia ini (mata hatinya) maka ia akan lebih buta di akhirat dan masuk neraka.”

Imam Abu Hasan Asyaari atau nama penuhnya Abu Hassan Ali bin Ismail Bin Abi Basyar Ishak bin Salim bin Ismail bin Abdillah bin Musa Asyaari. Musa Asyaari adalah salah seorang dari sahabat Nabi. Beliau dilahirkan di Basrah,Iraq sewaktu pemerintahan Khalifah dari Bani Abbasiyyah yang bergelar Al-Muktamid pada tahun 260 H.

Beliau telah diajari ilmu asas agama Islam dan Al-Quran sejak kecil lagi seperti kebanyakan kanak-kanak dari keluarga Islam pada masa itu.

Untuk mendalami ajaran Islam beliau diserahkan kepada bapa saudara yang pada ketika itu dikenali sebagai salah seorang ulama besar di Basrah. Kota Basrah di kala itu menjadi tempat tumpuan fahaman Muktazilah begitu juga dengan bapa saudaranya yang berfahaman Muktazilah. Fahaman Mutazilah ini mengutamakan logik akal daripada Al-Quran dan Hadith.

Jadi Imam Abu Hasan Asyaari adalah seorang yang berfahaman Muktazilah. Gurunya adalah anak Wasil bin Atha’ pengasas fahaman Muktazilah. Allah telah mengizinkan dan meredhakan beliau sehinggalah pada satu malam beliau telah bermimpikan bertemu Rasulullah saw.

Dalam mimpinya Rasulullah saw berkata:

“Engkau buangkanlah segala ilmu dan amalan yang engkau amalkan itu kerana ilmu dan amalan engkau itu adalah sesat”.

Maka dijawab Imam Abu Hasan Asyaari:

“Bagaimana hamba hendak membuangkan ilmu dan amalan ini kerana telah tiga puloh tahun lamanya telah menjadi ibadat kepada hamba”.

Kata Rasulullah lagi:

“Allah berkuasa pada segala-galanya”.

Maka ghaiblah Rasulullah saw maka tersedarlah ia daripada tidurnya dan jagalah ia. Imam Abu Hassan Asyaari termenung memikirkan peristiwa yang berkat pada malam itu. Dengan sebab mimpinya bertemu Rasulullah saw maka beliau tidak keluar dari rumahnya dan tidak ke mesjid untuk mengajar selama satu minggu. Genap hari yang ke tujuh maka denga Kudrat dan Iradat Allah, beliau pun bertukarlah daripada mazhab Muktazilah. Kerana membuktikan beliau tidak lagi berfaham dengan isme Muktazilah, maka beliau pun menamakan ajaran-ajaran ismanya yang baru itu kepada satu nama mazhab. Kepada pengikutnya dalam Syariat dinamakanya Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. Adapun yang dinamakan mazhab Asya’ariyah itu ialah murid2nya yang mempelajari Ilmu Tasawwuf.

Maka salah seorang muridnya yang bersamanya menjadi pengasas mazhab Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah ialah Imam Abu Mansor Al-Matarudi. Adapun Imam Abu Mansor Al-Matarudi inilah yang memperkenalkan satu ajaran yang rendah supaya dapat memahamkan sebelum mempelajari ilmu Tasawwuf yang dinamakan ilmu Aka’idul Iman iaitu Sifat Dua Puluh.

Demikianlah peristiwa yang berlaku hanya kerana memimpikan Rasulullah saw maka mendapat syufaatnya daripada faham Muktazilah bertukar kepada faham Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. Sebesar-besar untung tuah nasib Imam Abu Hasan Asyaari kembali kepada ajaran yang benar dalam satu saat. Semoga apa yang berlaku kepada beliau menjadi iktibar kepada kita dan tidak saling tuduh menuduh seperti yang berlaku dewas ini.

Yang sedihnya kebelakangan ini, pengajian tauhid berasaskan Sifat 20 yang diperkenalkan oleh
Imam Abu Hassan Ashaari menimbulkan banyak kontroversi. Tepuk dada tanyalah ilmu yang ada. Cukupkah ilmu didada? Para alimin dizaman beliau menerimanya begitu juga ulama-ulama kita di sini dahulu kala tidak pernah mempertikaikannya. Bahkan ramai yang menulis kitab-kitab berkaitan sifat 20 itu. Dirungkaikan dengan terperinci untuk memudahkan masyarakat yang beribu tahun jauh dari zaman Nabi saw untuk memahaminya. Jadi janganlah kita terikut-ikut dengan perangai kumpulan yang mudah melatah dan suka tuduh menuduh itu. Para ulamak dan alimin semuanya bersatu untuk menyeru pada kebaikan dan mustahil mereka semuanya berpakat kepada kejahatan serta kemungkaran. Bukankah para ulama itu adalah warisan Nabi-Nabi?

إن الْعُلُمَاءُ وَرَثَةُ اْلأَنْبِيَاءِ، إِنَّ اْلأَنْبِياَءَ لَمْ يُوَرِّثُوْا دِيْناَرًا وَلاَ دِرْهَماً إِنَّمَا وَرَّثُوْا الْعِلْمَ فَمَنْ أَخَذَ بِهِ فَقَدْ أَخَذَ بِحَظٍّ وَافِرٍ

“Sesungguhnya ulama adalah pewaris para nabi. Sungguh para nabi tidak mewariskan dinar dan dirham. Sungguh mereka hanya mewariskan ilmu maka barangsiapa mengambil warisan tersebut ia telah mengambil bagian yang banyak.” (Hadits ini saheh dan diriwayatkan Al-Imam At-Tirmidzi).

Wallahu a'lam.